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2015-08-18 16:55:56来源:网络 柯林斯词典




  I have a long desire to learn how to play a piano. Even after my desire and passion, I have not been able to learn it. If I ever get the time and opportunity to learn it, I would grab the chance.

  I am not sure exactly when this passion grew in me, but I can guess it was something that came in my mind after I saw a foreign movie where an actor played this instrument. The movie was related to a musician's life and he mostly played piano and sang songs.

  In the movie the actor played the piano 3-4 times and the quality of the music was really good. Possibly from that time the passion started to grow in my mind. I work as a computer programmer and have no intension to do any serious type music, but I want to learn to play the piano. If I get spare time and my schedule allows me, I will get admitted in a piano lesson in my city. Not many opportunities are there but I heard that there are 2/3 musicians who teach enthusiast people the piano for a high payment. I will probably get admitted in such a program and would keep learning.

  I will need to save around $1000 to get admitted in to the piano lesson and hopefully will have this amount at the end of next year. Then I will talk to the musicians who offer the lesson and would pick one to learn from. I'll allow me to be free at least 2 days in a week to participate in the lesson and I would practice at least for an hour daily.

  I know it takes a great determination, passion and talent to learn a creative thing like piano, but I believe, I will be able to achieve it.

  Tips for talking about this Cue Card Topic:

  For this cue card you can talk about any skill, subject lesson, technical and art skill you want to learn in future. The list of things that you may talk about for this cue card can be:

  1. Plan to learn how to play a musical instrument like guitar, drum, and piano.

  2. Plan to get engaged in a professional course like office management, programming, graphics design, basic computer course, accounting courses, secretarial course, interior design course etc.

  3. Plan to learn a skill out of hobby like wood work, cooking, painting, dancing, singing, gardening etc.

  4. Plan to learn a subject out of interest like chemistry, computer hardware course, tour coaching, new business starting etc.

  5. Plan to learn to drive, repairing electronics devices, learn to operate a particular device/ hardware etc.

  6. Plan to learn practical hand works like typing, short hand course, sewing etc.

  7. Plan to learn how to be a good public speaker, good presenter, marketing executive etc.

  8. Plan to get enroll in professional writing, outsourcing courses.

  9. Plan to learn swimming, how to play a game, a computer software etc.

  10. Plan to learn human resource management for your small business or professional need.

  Virtually anything that people usually learn either by himself/ herself or from someone else, teacher, or training institutes can be described in this cue card.

  If you can’t remember anything that you are going to learn (even what you desire to learn), present a skill you have as if you are going to learn it.

  For the second question “why you want to learn it”, mention that you are very much interested in this and that would add many advantages in your personal/ professional life. Also mention that you had a great interest in it for a long time and you have not been able to manage time to actually learn it. Finally mention some of the advantages people usually enjoy if they have this skill/ quality that you are planning to learn.

  For the third question “Where and how you will learn it” mention that you would wither learn it by yourself with the help of books and internet or you will get enrolled in a course and learn it. If the skill is an easy one like learning how to play a game, you can mention that you are going to learn it by yourself. But if the skill learning requires some professional help, you should say that you are planning to learn it from a teacher/ of training institute. Since you are only planning to learn it, you can mention some possible alternatives where you can get enrolled and learn it. For example: if you are planning to learn how to play piano you can say:

  “Well, I will need to purchase a piano first to learn it and I have decided to purchase one in the beginning of the next year as I will have some extra money at that time. Initially I would ask my friend (…say a name…) to help me about the basic of the piano lesson as s/he is a great piano player I have ever seen. I will then practice a lot in my free time and would try to get some help from a piano teacher in our area I know about. Besides, the internet is going to be very handy resource for me as these short of lessons are available over internet and I would try to get some help from there as well. Finally, if my time allows, I will get enrolled in a good piano lesson training institute which is available in my city. I believe that, learning to play a piano demands determination and practice and I am positive that I will be fully devoted to learn it.”

  Give a good ending and give a very strong impression that you are passionate and determined to learn this skill.

  Your ability to talk about this cue card topic should empower you to talk about the following cue card topics as well:

  1. Describe a skill you have.

  2. Describe a skill one of your friends has.

  3. Describe a professional course you have attended.

  4. Describe a skill you would like to learn.

  5. Describe a quality or skill you love in your friends.

  6. Describe a skill which is important for you.


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