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2015-08-21 15:23:41来源:网络 柯林斯词典




  The gift I gave to my younger sister recently is the one I would like to talk about. I gave her a cell phone recently. The model of the cell phone is Sony Experia Z and it has Android Operating System. This is a water resistant cell phone manufactured by Sony Mobile and is a hot one in the market. The cells phone cost me around 40 K and I had to save the money for the last 6-7 moths to present her the gift.

  I knew that she had been wishing to buy a smart phone for a year but could not do so. I thought to buy her one in her next birthday and started saving the money. I saved almost 7-8 k each month and just before 3-4 days of her birthday, I bought the phone.

  I felt really great after I gave the gift to my sister. That was an unexplainable pleasure, amusement, satisfaction that I felt after I saw her bewildering face after she opened the gift. She was so happy that I felt like that was a perfect gift for her. I am sure I would not have felt the same pleasure as I felt giving her the gift doing something else. She had been longing to own a smart phone and after receiving it from me she hugged me.

  As I already told, from her conversation I knew that she wished to own a smart phone that she would be able to use internet and take quality photographs. From that day, I promised to myself that I would buy her one. And I wished to buy her a really good one. I could have bought her a phone for 10k but seriously I wanted to give her the best one that I can accommodate.

  Tips for answering this Cue Card topic:

  While talking about this cue card, keep in mind that you are to talk about a gift/ present you have recently gave to someone recently. So do not talk about a gift that you actually gave someone few years back.

  Remember a gift you gave to someone recently and describe that event based on the questions asked in the supporting questions of this cue card topic. The gift can be merely a post card to an expensive one like house/ flat. Following are some gifts we usually give to others to help you plan for this cue card topic:


  Mobile Phone


  Story book

  Fountain pen







  Music player

  Tabloid PC


  Post card

  Photo album

  Laptop etc.

  You can actually think about any gift item which you usually give to others on occasions like birthday, marriage anniversary etc.

  For this cue card topic, first mention what was the gift. Then mention whom you gave it (can be a family member, friend, relative, classmate, teacher, neighbor or a colleague). Then mention what was the occasion for that person who received that gift. Was it a birthday or simply a social visiting party, marriage day, celebration of promotion etc.? Also mention how long ago you gave it. You should mention that the occasion was only couple of months ago and this is the latest gift you gave to someone.

  Whatever the gift was, you should be very fluent describing the event, gift and occasion of the gift. First mention what was the gift item and then mention to who you gave it to. Also mention if you were planning to give it for a long time or did you instantly bought this gift. After that give an approximate cost idea that you had to spend to buy this gift. Also mention the occasion for the gift. That can be a birthday gift or so or can be a surprise gift.

  The final 2 questions require your elaborate discussion on the topic and expect you to talk about how you felt after giving this present. Simply mention that you were very much pleased to be able to give this present to that person and the excitement grew even more when you noticed the happiness about it. For the final question ‘and explain why you chose this gift’ say that you knew that s/he was in need of that/ was eagerly waiting to have one of these items/ would be very excited and happy to receive it. You can also mention, you had no previous preparation for buying a gift and you roamed in a gift shop and chose this one all of a sudden.

  Your fluency and coherency in speaking is the most important parts of your speaking exam. Being able to cover the questions asked with the cue card topic in a real life conversational way would ensure a good score in your cue card section.

  Since this cue card asks you to talk about a gift you gave to someone recently, you should relate the event to a recent occasion. Mention that you gave this gift only few weeks/ months ago and that you make your speaking exactly what is expected in the cue card topic.

  If the gift is for a family member like younger sister, mother or father, mention how eagerly you were expecting to give this gift to him/her. After that mention how you managed to purchase the gift and from where you bought it. For the question “How you felt about it?” Mention that you bought this gift to make this person happy. This might not be an expensive gift but you bought it with good wished and cordial love. Finally say that, the recipient of this gift was very happy to have it and that made you feel really good. A gift is always a souvenir of good wishes and a mark for better relationship and you felt just happy to be able to give it to this person.

  The final question “and explain why you choose this gift?” is a tricky one and you are expected give a convincing answer for this question. You have your own reasons and following are some of the helpful hints for you to answer this question:

  1. I knew that s/he had a great desire for this and I thought this would be perfect opportunity to give it to him/her.

  2. I was suddenly informed about this occasion and I had to pick a gift quickly. I went to the nearby gift shop and this particular gift caught my eyes.

  3.This was a gift I was long longing to give her/ him. I knew s/he would be very happy to receive it and that’s why I bought it.

  4.The gift was a shared one and three of our friends / colleagues decided that it was a good gift within our budget.

  5. I knew that s/he loves this sort of gift and that’s why I decided to give it to her/ him.

  Your ability to answer this Cue Card Topic would also help you to talk about the following Cue card topics:

  1.Describe an occasion that you enjoyed.

  2.Describe a gift shop you know.

  3.Describe a party you recently had.

  4.Describe a gift you received from your colleagues/ friends.

  5.Describe a gift you want to give to your best friend.

  6.Describe a birthday gift you once received.

  7.Describe an expensive gift you gave to someone.

  8.Describe an important gift you received.

  9.Describe something you gave to your friend.

  10.Describe a birthday party gift you bought.

  11.Describe a gift you would love to give to your friend.

  12.Describe something you plan to buy in the future.

  13.Describe a gift shop you have visited.

  14.Describe a post card you received.

  15.Describe a flower shop your have visited.


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