



[雅思考前必刷]2024年2月雅思考试听力重点题Part 1

2024-01-24 14:49:53来源:新东方在线雅思 柯林斯词典

想知道2024年2月雅思考试可能会考哪些内容吗?新东方在线在线雅思整理了2024年2月雅思考试重点题,包括听力、阅读、写作、口语考试题型,今天带来的是2024年2月雅思考试听力重点题Part 1,希望对大家的雅思考试有所帮助。

2024年2月雅思考试听力考前必刷题—Part 1

电影俱乐部介绍 V08113

Introduction to a movie club

场景:会员介绍 对话

概述:这篇文章讲述了一个电影俱乐部的活动。俱乐部放映了不同类型。除观影外,还有关于惊悚片的讨论活动。会员费每月支付,持卡购书可享折扣。黄金会员可免费携带一位客人。第二部电影从 4 月 17 日开始,第三部电影放映厅可容纳 450 人。会议期间不放映电影,会员可免费获得特别节目的电影票。

1. There movies: Comedy, Romantic and the third one is action film/movie.

2. In club, except for movie, there is discussion (for thrillers)

3. After activity: exhibition ( for action movie)

4. The 3rd movie screen room can hold up to: 450 people

5. 2nd movie starting date:17th April

6. If there is any meeting held, the movie will not be displayed

7. Membership fee is to be paid every month, not week

8. In bookshop, you will have a discount if hold a membership card

9. Will send: tickets for a special program to you for free

10. Gold Member: You can take (bring) a guest for free

预定生日派对场景 V60118

A woman telephones for her husband's party

场景:场地预定 对话


1. Work number: 55533 and 489724

2. Date: 27th April

3. Location: flaxton museum

4. Maximum: 93 people

5. Menu select the hot buffet

6. Two main courses: chicken and fish

7. Additional food requirement no nuts

8. Need a birthday cake

9. Type of tableware requested: silver cutlery, paper tablecloth and napkin

10. Other services to provide: order flowers

女生打电话咨询新工作 V16111

New job orientation

场景:求职应聘 对话

概述:本篇文本讲述了一位女士咨询工作的场景。周二是面试的迎新日,上午 8 点 45 分开始。地点是David 等候区,需要乘车前往。停车场位于 Road 站,每天收费 6.50 美元。穿着要求是制服,需要携带银行账户细节和签署的合同。上岗后会提供工作电脑的密码。

1. 面试的 orientation day on Tuesday

2. Contact number: 0423787244

3. 面试地点 pick up at the area for David waiting area

4. 面试时间:8:45 am

5. Park in the car park on the Road station

6. Parking costs per day:$6.50

Other information

7. Dress code: uniform

8. Should bring details for bank account

9. Signed contract

10. 上班到岗马上会给她工作电脑的 password

一位男士向旅游经理询问一份兼职旅游的工作 V08141

Men's inquiry about part-time jobs

场景:求职应聘 对话

概述:本文介绍了两条不同难度和距离的徒步路线:雨林长途步行和海岸步行。雨林长途步行有 12.5 公里,难度较大,景点包括洞穴里的鱼类岩画。海岸步行适中难度,景点包括咖啡馆、海鲜和美丽的海滩。

此外,文章还提供了关于乘坐 279 路公交车到达工作地点的信息,以及购买家庭票后获得地图的相关说明。

1-10) Completion

7. how to get the working place. You can take the No.279 bus directly there.

8. today is weekly so the last bus time is 5:30 p.m. on weekdays.

9. you will get off the bus at the Bridge stop

10. if you pay the free: you will get a map after buying the family ticket.

演唱会门票预订 V60124

Different ways to book the Concert tickets

场景:门票预定 对话


1. By phone: 01727851563

2. Booking fee: £2.50 per ticket, 3 days in advance

3. From an agent

4. Through the entrance to side door, free of charge, book 3 days in advance

5. Evening News shop - by the market

6. Open at 4:30 pm

7. The first one has a restaurant with a garden (in summer, people can have meals in the garden)

8. There is a Cafe in basement

9. There is a Cinema, the theme of film on festival is an action movie

10. Summer parties with opportunities to meet staff and artists like superstars

在转机等待的过程中采访 V10119

A survey conducted by a woman to a man in the airport

场景:调查采访 对话

概述:本文描述了一个女士在机场对一个男士进行的调查采访。男士是在中转,等待时间超过 3 个小时。男士希望电影院提供更多的设施,比如电影院,床铺等。这位男士喜欢携带笔记本电脑登机,同时建议在飞行过程中增加水果供应。

1. Why the man is in the airport? In transit

2. The length of waiting: over 3 hours

3. What does he think of the voucher: unattractive

The facilities he interviewed man wants to get:

4. Cinema, the screen is big

5. Fish tank, mention the xx fish

6. Beds, do not have to sleep in the airport

7. He takes the plane 20 times every year

8. He uses the word enjoyable to describe his lifestyle

9. He likes taking the laptop on board

10. The man recommends increasing the fruit during the flight

健身中心会员申请 V09128

Membership in health and fitness centre

场景:会员申请 对话

概述:本文介绍了健康与健身中心的会员申请情况。家庭会员费用为 295 美元,会员期为 9 个月,包括免费停车和饮料。从九月开始有变动。中心设施齐全,包括游泳池、电视,提供免费的新会员导向训练课程。还询问了柔道和瑜伽课程的具体信息。


1. Family membership fee (for 2 adults plus two children): $295

2. Duration of membership:9 months

Including free parking and drinks

3. When it changes: from the September

4. Good facilities: swimming roof and with a glass roof

5. Gym offers a free orientation session

6. 休息时间都装了 facilities: TV

7-10) Table completion

某房产中心房屋租借 V15118

House rent inquiry

场景:租房沟通 对话


1. Address in 354 Forest Road

2. Contact number: 0783 ****

3. Earliest time to move in :1 November

4. 男雇主职业是牙医:dentist,女的是 teacher

5. 想要 unfurnished apartment

6. Need two bathrooms and double bedroom

7. Prefer large balcony

8. Special requirement: need a garden

9. Location should be near to the station

10. 还有房屋要求: large kitchen and a fridge

女士购买家具的对话 V07134

Buy furniture

场景:购物咨询 对话


玻璃橱柜门;顶部有一抽屉带锁。购买者的姓名是 Lisa ROGALA,邮政编码是 HE254EU。建议在下周早上进行送货。如果她不在家,可以把货物放在车库里。

1. width: 140cm, length:220cm

2. colour of the wooden material: natural

3. fee: £265

Accessories without extra money

4. light within, which is convenient for reading

5. glass cupboard door

6. a top drawer with a lock

7. name: Lisa ROGALA

8. postcode: HE254EU

9. recommended delivery time morning next week

10. if she is not in, leave the food in the garage

修理洗衣机保险赔偿 V60121

The insurance of claim for damaged floor because of a leaked wash machine

场景:保险赔偿 对话

概述:本文是关于因洗衣机泄漏导致地板损坏的保险索赔对话。女士登记了一些信息,上次申请索赔是 9个月前。由于水漏,地板潮湿。女士迅速关闭了洗衣机。联系客户工程师来检查问题。客户检查员可以在下周二过来。女士的房子在邮局对面。

1. Reference Number: CWX576884

2. When did the woman claim last time: 9 months ago

3. Postcode: GO19 4KE

4. First name of the address: 120, middle street, oxford

5. The floor which is made of wood was wet

6. Because of the water

7. It was out of control and she switched off immediately

8. Contact the client engineer to come and check the problem

9. The client inspector could come on Tuesday next week

10. The woman's house is opposite to the post office

女儿参加绘画比赛 V50102

A woman calls an art gallery about her daughter to join in a painting competition

场景:参加活动 对话

概述:本文是关于一位女士致电艺术画廊,咨询她的女儿参加绘画比赛的事宜。绘画的主题是旅行。她的大女儿属于青少年组,而她的小女儿属于儿童组。工作人员确认了作品提交日期,尺寸,联系人等。为了方便邮寄,女士需要在信封上写上三个大写字母:“YPC”。最后的奖励是 50 英镑。

1. Theme of painting is travel

2. First daughter join different group (9-12 years ): juniors

3. For her elder daughter (12 and up): young teenagers

4. Submit painting deadline: 29th August

5. Painting size: 80cm * 60cm

6. Name of contact: Andy Kahn

7. The postcode of address: HB62LJ

8. Man said will quickly send her application form by fax

9. In order to make sending easier, on her envelope, she needs to write three capital letters: on the top

envelope: YPC

10. Last rewards: 50 pounds

女士新手咨询水肺潜水课程 V05104

A woman conducts about Scuba diving lesson

场景:课程咨询 对话


1. The month on July

2. On a Saturday

3. Initially, they will have indoor training

4. when completing, they will be diving in a lake

5. Equipment: only need to buy a diving mask

6. We also give homework every evening

7. There is a certificate to offer

8. Cost total: 350/375 euros for each person and a deposit of 130 euros

9. Registration name on the form

10. If need more information at website

一位家长咨询社区大学选课的事情 V220820

Consulting about community college courses

场景:课程咨询 对话


乡村旅游酒店的对话 V220430

A conversation on holiday hotels

场景:住宿预定 对话


1. refer location area: the Northeast

2. try to avoid: peak season

3. length of stay: a weekend

4. must be very quiet

5. a good beach for children

6. a restaurant nearby

7. additional requirement: prefer a garden instead of a balcony

8. personal detail: name: Mrs. Cheffins

9. contact number: 0192477285

10. where she saw the ads: the Magazine of the Countryside Living

一个女人咨询她住的附近有怎样的图书馆 V08118

A woman asks what kind of libraries are there near where she lives

场景:场地咨询 对话


图书馆位于公园旁边,周六开放时间是早上 9 点至下午 4 点 30 分。图书馆提供戏剧俱乐部和唱歌活动,还有成人参与的艺术家俱乐部。借阅杂志和电影光盘,并提供明信片销售,还有纪念品和地图可购买。

1. Address: library in Skellran Street

2. Located next to a park

3. Saturday weekday: open at 9am till 4.30pm

4. Choose two activities (4-13 years old): drama club

5. Choose two activities (all ages): singing every other Saturday

6. Mom wants to join adult activity, she will meet local artists club

7. Could borrow various magazines

8. You can borrow film CDs

9. Post cards, need to provide the card number

10. Wide range has two souvenir sales … and can also buy maps

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