



雅思口语p3范文:Describe a good decision made by the people around you

2017-10-17 10:05:10来源:新东方在线论坛 柯林斯词典

  新东方在线雅思网给大家带来的是2017年雅思口语part3话题范文:Describe a good decision made by the people around you。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的雅思报名官网消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。


  示例范文:Describe a good decision made by the people around you

  1. What skills are necessary when making decisions? 做决策时要具备哪些能力?

  Well, to my mind, there are a few really important skills which can help people make sound decisions. The first one is to establish a positive decision-making environment. What I mean is to agree on a purpose, make sure the right issue is being discussed and agree on a process to push the decision forward. Another one is to come up with solutions, evaluate alternatives, identify and assess possible consequences. And, finally, by far the most important skill is to consider certain constraints and choose the best option.

  2. What do you think are the qualities of a good leader or a good decision-maker? 你觉得一个好领导或好的决策者需要具备哪些品质?

  Well, as my experience shows a good decision-maker is, first of all, a person who understands and is able to manage their emotions and those of others because in order to make a sound decision a person needs to focus on the facts as much as possible and concentration comes only when emotions are under control. Moreover, a good decision-maker is somebody easily accepts the uncertainty and always moves on trusting themselves and their expertise and not getting in the cycle of overthinking. I also reckon that people who make right decisions are influential and inspirational and are able to calmly and clearly express their decisions to others.

  3. How can people improve their decision-making skills? 人们如何提高他们的决策能力?

  I guess there are a lot of ways to improve your decision-making skills, and all of them are based on analysing and estimating the situation. To my mind, the first step you have to take is weigh the pros and cons of your decision to ensure that you are making the best decision possible. In order to do that you may need to do research or even get an opinion of a well-informed person. You should also learn how to plan ahead and not to dwell on mistakes leaving more time for uncovering the risks or choosing the best alternative.

  4. How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions? 电脑是如何改变人们做决策的方式的?

  Well, computers have already entered all spheres of people's lives and changed everything including the way people make decisions. They have made the process of taking a decision faster and easier by providing access to information, analyzing and displaying this information, making recommendations and even critiquing human decisions.

  Computers also provide people with functional support for making decisions and help overcome limitations in human memory. And, in some cases, they can even make the full decision automatically balancing intuitive and analytical approaches, coming to the best possible result. I don't think there will be new significant changes in the future, I that old changes will just be brought to perefection.

  5. Do parents in your country allow their children to make important decisions about the future? 在你的国家,父母允许他们的孩子自己为未来做决定吗?

  Well, actually, it depends on the family and the age of a child. In some families parents treat their children as equals from an early age trusting them and giving a free hand. Children in such families are not only allowed but, I would even say, encouraged to make important decisions all by themselves. Of course, when kids are too young, parents provide them with some advice and support but the older they become, the less help they get. There are also a lot of families in my country in which parents are overprotective and don't let even f teenage children make decisions unassisted feeling certain that they know what their kids need much better and micromanaging them.

  6. Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?你认为应该帮孩子做重要的决定吗?

  To my mind, everything depends on a child's maturity. If a decision is really crucial but a child is still living in a world of fantasy and doesn't clearly understand the rules of real life, of course, parents should interfere and give their kid a hand. They can share their huge experience which they accumulated throughout life in order to help their child avoid potential danger and learn to realize the consequences of different decisions. But if a child is psychologically mature and ready to take responsibility for their choices, I guess parents c accept their choices and decisions viewing the happenings from the sidelines. This way, they will bring r confident and independent child who will feel in control with themselves.

  7. How can older people or parents help young people make their own decisions wisely? 老人和父母如何帮助年轻人做更好的决定?

  I think the first thing parents can do to teach their children to make wise decisions is to give them a role in family decisions, for example, when planning activities or deciding on household jobs .

  It's also important to teach young people to plan ahead and think their decisions through and give them as many opportunities to practise solving problems as possible. Older people should also instruct the young about the importance of taking others' needs into account and the necessity of understanding that they are responsible for making the decision.

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