Bulges are lumps that stick out from a surface which is otherwise flat or smooth.
Why won't those bulges on your hips and thighs go?
If there is a bulge in something, there is a sudden large increase in it.
a bulge in aircraft sales.
bulges , bulging , bulged
If something such as a person's stomach bulges, it sticks out.
Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging and distended.
He bulges out of his black T-shirt.
If someone's eyes or veins are bulging, they seem to stick out a lot, often because the person is making a strong physical effort or is experiencing a strong emotion.
He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.
If you say that something is bulging with things, you are emphasizing that it is full of them.
They returned home with the car bulging with boxes.