give away
If you give away something that you own, you give it to someone, rather than selling it, often because you no longer want it.
He was giving his collection away for free.
If someone gives away an advantage, they accidentally cause their opponent or enemy to have that advantage.
throw away
Military advantages should not be given away.
If you give away information that should be kept secret, you reveal it to other people.
She would give nothing away.
To give someone or something away means to show their true nature or identity, which is not obvious.
Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite give them away.
give back
If you give something back, you return it to the person who gave it to you.
I gave the textbook back to him.
You gave me back the projector.
give in
If you give in, you admit that you are defeated or that you cannot do something.
'I wasn't going to give in. I wasn't going to fall. I was going to fight like hell.'
If you give in, you agree to do something that you do not want to do.
I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes.
give off , give out
If something gives off or gives out a gas, heat, or a smell, it produces it and sends it out into the air.
natural gas, which gives off less carbon dioxide than coal.
give out
If you give out a number of things, you distribute them among a group of people.
hand out
There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.
If you give out information, you make it known to people.
He wouldn't give out any information.
give over to , give up to
If something is given over or given up to a particular use, it is used entirely for that purpose.
Much of the garden was given over to vegetables.
give up
If you give up something, you stop doing it or having it.
The Coast Guard had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive.
If you give up, you decide that you cannot do something and stop trying to do it.
After a fruitless morning sitting at his desk he had given up.
If you give up your job, you resign from it.
She gave up her job to join her husband's campaign.
If you give up something that you have or that you are entitled to, you allow someone else to have it.
One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench.
If you give yourself up, you let the police or other people know where you are, after you have been hiding from them.
A 28-year-old man later gave himself up and will appear in court today.
give up on
If you give up on something or someone, you decide that you will never succeed in doing what you want to with them, and you stop trying.
He urged them not to give up on peace efforts.
give me
You use give me to say that you would rather have one thing than another, especially when you have just mentioned the thing that you do not want.
'I hate Sundays,' he said. 'They're endless. Give me a Saturday night any day.'
give or take
Give or take is used to indicate that an amount is approximate. For example, if you say that something is fifty years old, give or take a few years, you mean that it is approximately fifty years old.
They grow to a height of 12 inches – give or take a couple of inches.
give it up for
If an audience is asked to give it up for a performer, they are being asked to applaud.
Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Fred Durst.
give and take
If you say that something requires give-and-take, you mean that people must compromise or cooperate for it to be successful.
a happy relationship where there's a lot of give-and-take.
gives , giving , gave , given
You can use give with nouns that refer to physical actions. The whole expression refers to the performing of the action. For example, She gave a smile means almost the same as 'She smiled'.
She stretched her arms out and gave a great yawn.
He gave her a fond smile.
You use give to say that a person does something for another person. For example, if you give someone a lift, you take them somewhere in your car.
I gave her a lift back to her house.
He was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
You use give with nouns that refer to information, opinions, or greetings to indicate that something is communicated. For example, if you give someone some news, you tell it to them.
He gave no details.
Would you like to give me your name?
You use give to say how long you think something will last or how much you think something will be.
A recent poll gave Campbell a 68 per cent support rating.
People use give in expressions such as I don't give a damn to show that they do not care about something.
They don't give a damn about the country.
If someone or something gives you a particular idea or impression, it causes you to have that idea or impression.
They gave me the impression that they were doing exactly what they wanted in life.
If someone or something gives you a particular physical or emotional feeling, it makes you experience it.
He gave me a shock.
If you give a performance or speech, you perform or speak in public.
Kotto gives a stupendous performance.
If you give something thought or attention, you think about it, concentrate on it, or deal with it.
I've been giving it some thought.
If you give a party or other social event, you organize it.
That evening, I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.
If you give someone something that you own or have bought, you provide them with it, so that they have it or can use it.
They gave us T-shirts and stickers.
He gave money to the World Health Organization to help defeat smallpox.
Americans are still giving to charity despite hard times.
If you give someone something that you are holding or that is near you, you pass it to them, so that they are then holding it.
Give me that pencil.
To give someone or something a particular power or right means to allow them to have it.
The new law would give the president the power to appoint the central bank's chairman.
If something gives, it collapses or breaks under pressure.
My knees gave under me.
You say that you are given to understand or believe that something is the case when you do not want to say how you found out about it, or who told you.
We were given to understand that he was ill.