hold it
If you say 'Hold it', you are telling someone to stop what they are doing and to wait.
Hold it! Don't move!
If you have a hold on something, you carry or support it, using your hands or your arms.
He released his hold on the camera.
Hold is used in expressions such as grab hold of, catch hold of, and get hold of, to indicate that you close your hand tightly around something, for example to stop something moving or falling.
I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag.
A doctor and a nurse caught hold of his arms.
A hold is a particular way of keeping someone in a position using your own hands, arms, or legs.
The man wrestled the Indian to the ground, locked in a hold he couldn't escape.
In a ship or aeroplane, a hold is a place where cargo or luggage is stored.
A fire had been reported in the cargo hold.
If you have a hold over someone, you have power or control over them, for example because you know something about them you can use to threaten them or because you are in a position of authority.
He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men.
hold against
If you hold something against someone, you let their actions in the past influence your present attitude towards them and cause you to deal severely or unfairly with them.
Bernstein lost the case, but never held it against Grundy.
hold back
If you hold back or if something holds you back, you hesitate before you do something because you are not sure whether it is the right thing to do.
The Bush administration had several reasons for holding back.
To hold someone or something back means to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening.
Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.
If you hold something back, you keep it in reserve to use later.
Farmers apparently hold back produce in the hope that prices will rise.
If you hold something back, you do not include it in the information you are giving about something.
You seem to be holding something back.
If you hold back something such as tears or laughter, or if you hold back, you make an effort to stop yourself from showing how you feel.
She kept trying to hold back her tears.
hold down
If you hold down a job or a place on a team, you manage to keep it.
He never could hold down a job.
If you hold someone down, you keep them under control and do not allow them to have much freedom or power or many rights.
Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation.
hold off
If you hold off doing something, you delay doing it or delay making a decision about it.
The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray.
If you hold off a challenge in a race or competition, you do not allow someone to pass you.
Between 1987 and 1990, Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova's challenge for the crown.
hold on , hold onto
If you hold on, or hold onto something, you keep your hand on it or around it, for example to prevent the thing from falling or to support yourself.
His right arm was extended up beside his head, still holding on to a coffee cup.
He was struggling to hold onto a rock on the face of the cliff.
If you hold on, you manage to achieve success or avoid failure in spite of great difficulties or opposition.
The Danes held on to defeat the Swedish side.
If you ask someone to hold on, you are asking them to wait for a short time.
hang on
The manager asked him to hold on while he investigated.
hold out
If you hold out your hand or something you have in your hand, you move your hand away from your body, for example to shake hands with someone.
'I'm Nancy Drew,' she said, holding out her hand.
If you hold out for something, you refuse to accept something which you do not think is good enough or large enough, and you continue to demand more.
I should have held out for a better deal.
If you say that someone is holding out on you, you think that they are refusing to give you information that you want.
He had always believed that kids could sense it when you held out on them.
If you hold out, you manage to resist an enemy or opponent in difficult circumstances and refuse to give in.
One prisoner was still holding out on the roof of the jail.
If you hold out hope of something happening, you hope that in the future something will happen as you want it to.
He still holds out hope that they could be a family again.
hold up
If you hold up your hand or something you have in your hand, you move it upward into a particular position and keep it there.
She held up her hand stiffly.
If one thing holds up another, it is placed under the other thing in order to support it and prevent it from falling.
Mills have iron pillars all over the place holding up the roof.
To hold up a person or process means to make them late or delay them.
Why were you holding everyone up?
Hold up means the same as hold.
Democrats say arguments against the bill won't hold up.
If someone holds up a place such as a bank or a shop, they point a weapon at someone there to make them give them money or valuable goods.
When his money was gone he held up a filling station with a toy gun.
If you hold up something such as someone's behaviour, you make it known to other people, so that they can criticize or praise it.
He had always been held up as an example to the younger ones.
If something such as a type of business holds up in difficult conditions, it stays in a reasonably good state.
Children's wear is one area that is holding up well in the recession.
If an argument or theory holds up, it is true or valid, even after close examination.
stand up
I'm not sure if the argument holds up, but it's stimulating.
hold forth
If you hold forth on a subject, you speak confidently and for a long time about it, especially to a group of people.
Barry was holding forth on something.
hold your own
If you hold your own, you are able to resist someone who is attacking or opposing you.
The Frenchman held his own against the challenger.
If you can do something well enough to hold your own, you do not appear foolish when you are compared with someone who is generally thought to be very good at it.
She can hold her own against almost any player.
hold still
If you hold still, you do not move.
Can't you hold still for a second?
hold tight
If you hold tight, you put your hand around or against something in order to prevent yourself from falling over. A bus driver might say 'Hold tight!' to you if you are standing on a bus when it is about to move.
hang on
He held tight to the rope.
If you hold tight, you do not immediately start a course of action that you have been planning or thinking about.
The advice for individual investors is to hold tight.
get hold of something
If you get hold of an object or information, you obtain it, usually after some difficulty.
It is hard to get hold of guns in this country.
get hold of someone
If you get hold of someone, you manage to contact them.
The only electrician we could get hold of was miles away.
on hold
If you put something on hold, you decide not to do it, deal with it, or change it now, but to leave it until later.
He put his retirement on hold to work 16 hours a day, seven days a week to find a solution.
take hold
If something takes hold, it gains complete control or influence over a person or thing.
She felt a strange excitement taking hold of her.
holds , holding , held
When you hold something, you carry or support it, using your hands or your arms.
Hold the knife at an angle.
When you hold someone, you put your arms around them, usually because you want to show them how much you like them or because you want to comfort them.
If only he would hold her close to him.
If you hold someone in a particular position, you use force to keep them in that position and stop them from moving.
He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived.
When you hold a part of your body, you put your hand on or against it, often because it hurts.
Soon she was crying bitterly about the pain and was holding her throat.
When you hold a part of your body in a particular position, you put it into that position and keep it there.
Hold your hands in front of your face.
If one thing holds another in a particular position, it keeps it in that position.
the wooden wedge which held the heavy door open.
If one thing is used to hold another, it is used to store it.
Two knife racks hold her favourite knives.
If a place holds something, it keeps it available for reference or for future use.
The Better Business Bureau holds an enormous amount of information on any business problem.
If something holds a particular amount of something, it can contain that amount.
One CD-ROM disk can hold over 100,000 pages of text.
Hold is used with words and expressions indicating an opinion or belief, to show that someone has a particular opinion or believes that something is true.
He held firm opinions which usually conflicted with my own.
Current thinking holds that obesity is more a medical than a psychological problem.
Hold is used with words such as 'fear' or 'mystery' to indicate someone's feelings towards something, as if those feelings were a characteristic of the thing itself.
Death doesn't hold any fear for me.
Hold is used with nouns such as 'office', 'power', and 'responsibility' to indicate that someone has a particular position of power or authority.
She has never held an elected office.
Hold is used with nouns such as 'permit', 'degree', or 'ticket' to indicate that someone has a particular document that allows them to do something.
Applicants should normally hold a good degree.
He did not hold a firearms licence.
Hold is used with nouns such as 'party', 'meeting', 'talks', 'election', and 'trial' to indicate that people are organizing a particular activity.
The country will hold democratic elections within a year.
Hold is used with nouns such as 'conversation', 'interview', and 'talks' to indicate that two or more people meet and discuss something.
The prime minister is holding consultations with his colleagues to finalize the deal.
The engineer and his son held frequent meetings concerning technical problems.
Hold is used with nouns such as 'shares' to indicate that someone owns a particular proportion of a business.
The group said it continues to hold 1,774,687 shares in the company.
Hold is used with nouns such as 'attention' or 'interest' to indicate that what you do or say keeps someone interested or listening to you.
If you want to hold someone's attention, look them directly in the eye but don't stare.
If you hold someone responsible, liable, or accountable for something, you will blame them if anything goes wrong.
It's impossible to hold any individual responsible.
If someone holds you in a place, they keep you there as a prisoner and do not allow you to leave.
The inside of a van was as good a place as any to hold a kidnap victim.
Somebody is holding your wife hostage.
If people such as an army or a violent crowd hold a place, they control it by using force.
Demonstrators have been holding the square since Sunday.
If you ask someone to hold, or to hold the line, when you are answering a telephone call, you are asking them to wait for a short time, for example so that you can find the person they want to speak to.
hold on
Could you hold the line and I'll just get my pen.
If you hold telephone calls for someone, you do not allow people who phone to speak to that person, but take messages instead.
He tells his secretary to hold his calls.
If something holds at a particular value or level, or is held there, it is kept at that value or level.
OPEC production is holding at around 21.5 million barrels a day.
If you hold a sound or musical note, you continue making it.
a voice which hit and held every note with perfect ease and clarity.
If you hold something such as a train or a lift, you delay it.
A spokesman defended the decision to hold the train until police arrived.
If an offer or invitation still holds, it is still available for you to accept.
Does your offer still hold?
If a good situation holds, it continues and does not get worse or fail.
Our luck couldn't hold forever.
If an argument or theory holds, it is true or valid, even after close examination.
Today, most people think that argument no longer holds.
If part of a structure holds, it does not fall or break although there is a lot of force or pressure on it.
How long would the roof hold?
If laws or rules hold, they exist and remain in force.
These laws also hold for universities.
If you hold to a promise or to high standards of behaviour, you keep that promise or continue to behave according to those standards.
stick to
Will the president be able to hold to this commitment?
If someone or something holds you to a promise or to high standards of behaviour, they make you keep that promise or those standards.
'I won't make you marry him.'—'I'll hold you to that.'
“我不会让你嫁给他的。” “我要你保证说话算话。”