A kick is a forceful hit made with the foot.
He suffered a kick to the knee.
A kick is when you hit a ball or other object with your foot so that it moves through the air.
He missed an easy kick.
If something gives you a kick, it makes you feel very excited or very happy for a short period of time.
I got a kick out of seeing my name in print.
kick around
If you kick around ideas or suggestions, you discuss them informally.
We kicked a few ideas around.
They started to kick around the idea of going to Brazil next month.
kick off
In soccer or football, when the players kick off, they start a game by kicking the ball.
They kicked off an hour ago.
In football, when the players kick off, they resume a game by kicking the ball.
If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks off, or is kicked off, it begins.
The shows kick off on October 24th.
The mayor kicked off the party.
If you kick off your shoes, you shake your feet so that your shoes come off.
She stretched out on the sofa and kicked off her shoes.
To kick someone off an area of land means to force them to leave it.
We can't kick them off the island.
kick out
Kick out means the same as kick.
As its rider tried to free it, the horse kicked out and rolled over, crushing her.
To kick someone out of a place or an organization means to force them to leave it.
throw out
The country's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country.
kick you when you are down
If you say that someone kicks you when you are down, you think they are behaving unfairly because they are attacking you when you are in a weak position.
In the end I just couldn't kick Jimmy when he was down.
kicking and screaming
If you say that someone is dragged kicking and screaming into a particular course of action, you are emphasizing that they are very unwilling to do what they are being made to do.
He had to be dragged kicking and screaming into action.
for kicks
If you say that someone does something for kicks, you mean that they do it because they think it will be exciting.
They made a few small bets for kicks.
kick in the teeth
If you describe an event as a kick in the teeth, you are emphasizing that it is very disappointing and upsetting.
We've been struggling for years and it's a real kick in the teeth to see a new band make it ahead of us.
kicks , kicking , kicked
If you kick someone or something, you hit them forcefully with your foot.
He kicked the door hard.
He threw me to the ground and started to kick.
When you kick a ball or other object, you hit it with your foot so that it moves through the air.
I went to kick the ball and I completely missed it.
He kicked the ball away.
If you kick or if you kick your legs, you move your legs with very quick, small, and forceful movements, once or repeatedly.
They were dragged away struggling and kicking.
First he kicked the left leg, then he kicked the right.
If you kick your legs, you lift your legs up very high one after the other, for example when you are dancing.
kicking his legs like a cancan dancer.
If you kick a habit, you stop doing something that is bad for you and that you find difficult to stop doing.
She's kicked her drug habit and learned that her life has value.