A stay in a town, or hotel, or at someone's house is a short time you spend living there.
An experienced Indian guide is provided during your stay.
stay in
If you stay in during the evening, you remain at home and do not go out.
If I stay in, my boyfriend cooks a wonderful lasagne or chicken or steak.
stay on
If you stay on somewhere, you remain there after other people have left or after the time when you were going to leave.
He had managed to arrange to stay on in Adelaide.
stay out
If you stay out at night, you remain away from home, especially when you are expected to be there.
That was the first time Elliot stayed out all night.
stay up
If you stay up, you remain out of bed at a time when most people have gone to bed or at a time when you are normally in bed yourself.
I used to stay up late with my mum and watch films.
stay put
If you stay put, you remain somewhere.
He was forced by his condition to stay put and remain out of politics.
stay the night
If you stay the night in a place, you sleep there for one night.
They had invited me to come to supper and stay the night.
stays , staying , stayed
If you stay where you are, you continue to be there and do not leave.
'Stay here,' Trish said. 'I'll bring the car down the drive to take you back.'
If you stay in a town, or hotel, or at someone's house, you live there for a short time.
Gordon stayed at The Park Hotel, Milan.
Can't you stay a few more days?
If someone or something stays in a particular state or situation, they continue to be in it.
The Republican candidate said he would 'work like crazy to stay ahead'.
community care networks that offer classes on how to stay healthy.
If you stay away from a place, you do not go there.
Management also stayed away from work during the strike.
If you stay out of something, you do not get involved in it.
In the past, the UN has stayed out of the internal affairs of countries unless invited in.