




2018-09-06 11:22:36来源:网络 柯林斯词典

  So, naturally, I was wary when the aforementioned style editor dumped a box of skin-care and grooming product samples on my desk: 'We'll start with these,' she said. 'You'll use four products at night and eight in the morning.' I nervously mentioned that I didn't live in an alternate universe where mornings last 107 hours. 'Just get up earlier,' she said.


  In the shower the next day, I washed my hair with my new Davines Love Smoothing Shampoo, a pricey Italian product designed to rehabilitate messed-up hair, and immediately felt like some dapper Milanese guy who eats oddly shaped pizzas and whose apartment is full of strange, half-size appliances. Next, I used Clark's Botanicals Face Wash (a soothing, mild, herbal goop) and shaved my face with what appeared to be pink icing, but was really a premium rose-scented cream from the storied British company Geo. F. Trumper. Next came a spray toner, an antiaging serum and the pivotal moisturizer (mine came from the Jack Black brand). Then I did a few jumping jacks to maintain my stamina and applied an age-combatting smidge of La Mer Eye Concentrate under each peeper using the complementary wand. (Wands? Arguably manly in wake of Harry Potter phenomenon? Discuss.)

  第二天早晨洗澡时,我用新的Davines Love Smoothing洗发水洗了头发,这是一款价格昂贵的意大利产品,专门修复受损头发。洗了以后我立刻觉得自己像是一个衣冠楚楚的米兰人,吃着奇形怪状的披萨,公寓里全是奇怪的小型家电。接着我用Clark's植物洁面乳(一种舒缓温和的草药黏液)洗脸, 然后用一种看似像粉色糖霜但实际上来自知名英国公司Geo. F. Trumper的高级玫瑰香剃须膏刮胡子。接下来是爽肤水喷雾和抗衰老乳液,还有关键的保湿霜(我用的牌子是Jack Black)。接着我做了几组开合跳保持活力,然后用附送的魔法棒在每只眼睛的下眼睑涂了点 La Mer抗衰老眼霜精华。(魔法棒?哈利・波特(Harry Potter)现象后应该算是男子气的装备了吧?可以讨论一下。)

  Finally, I groomed my hair with Baxter of California Soft Water Pomade, which gave my hair the texture of a mink pelt, but was still a bit greasy for my taste.

  最后,我在头发上抹了点Baxter of California软水发膏,让我的头发有了光华毛皮的质地,但对我来说还是有点油。

  I walked to the subway feeling fresh and tingly and evangelical about the value of taking time to value oneself. I also felt a little like Patrick Bateman, the murderous skin care devotee from 'American Psycho,' but was too busy caressing my curiously soft face to brood on that. Upon reaching the subway 15 minutes later, I realized that, in my heady self-absorption, I'd forgotten my wallet. I felt less evangelical running home again.

  我走到地铁站,觉得很清爽,对于花时间珍惜自己的价值也感到很兴奋。我还觉得自己有点像帕特里克・贝特曼(Patrick Bateman),就是《美国精神病人》(American Psycho)里热衷护肤的杀人狂,但我忙着抚摸我那异常柔软的脸,无暇去思考这些。15分钟后到达地铁站时,我意识到,自我陶醉让我忘记了拿钱包。再折回家时我的热情就没那么高涨了。

  By day three, the tingliness had given way to a burning sensation around my jaw. Was this my choice: To feel youthful but on fire versus old and content? The culprit turned out to be the rose shaving cream, which the style editor replaced with Proraso Shaving Foam for 'pelli sensibili' (sensitive skin). After carefully testing this amazing product, I can honestly tell you that it's fun to say 'pelli sensibili' repeatedly in a heavy Italian accent.

  到第三天,那种兴奋感消失了,取而代之的是下巴周围的灼烧感。我需要做出选择:是觉得年轻但有刺痛感还是觉得老而满足?罪魁祸首原来是那支玫瑰剃须膏,时尚编辑把它换成了敏感肌肤(pelli sensibili)适用的Proraso剃须膏。小心翼翼地对这款不可思议的产品进行试用后,我可以老实告诉你,用浓重的意大利口音重复说“pelli sensibili”很有意思。

  And so it went. As I continued my regimen, either my skin improved visibly or my colleagues formed a vast conspiracy that required them to gush about my face. I asked non-coworker friends if they noticed anything different about me, but they were stumped and resistant to broad hints. Still I could swear that, in a certain group photo taken at a steakhouse about seven weeks into my program, I look like a cast member of a teen drama on the CW Network: weirdly lineless, buoyant, possibly a vampire.

  于是我继续用这些东西。随着护肤的持续,要么我的皮肤有了明显改善,要么就是我的同事串通好了对我的脸进行议论。我问非同事的朋友有没有注意到我有什么异样,但他们都很为难,不愿意给出提示。不过我仍然可以断定,护肤计划进行七周左右,在某家牛排餐厅所拍的某张合照里,我看起来肯定像是哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网(CW network)某部青春偶像剧里的演员:皱纹出奇的少,光彩照人,像极了吸血鬼。

  By week 12, long after my co-workers had acclimatized to the undocumented miracle that was my face, I was bored by my regimen's demands and losing my motivation. I decided to tempt fate by subbing out my original, conventional moisturizer for Clinique's new Oil-Control Mattifying Moisturizer. Life so seldom offers opportunities to be 'mattified' that it seemed worth the risk. But, although the product left my skin powder-dry and Botox-taut, I was still feeling restless.


  The style editor decided we needed to seriously up the ante and helped me book a facial with celebrity youthifier Tracie Martyn, who's rejuvenated Brad Pitt, Alan Rickman and Madonna. When I arrived at Ms. Martyn's Fifth Avenue penthouse studio, I was taken aback by the estrogen-y décor, which is entirely lavender and white with gauzy curtains that should properly be billowing in a strong breeze. A Borzoi would not be out of place. I was told that I'd been squeezed in between Diane von Furstenberg and a businessman who'd just run a marathon.

  时尚编辑认为我们需要下更大的血本,她帮我预定了明星焕肤专家特蕾西・马丁(Tracie Martyn)的面部护理。马丁为布拉德・皮特(Brad Pitt)、艾伦・里克曼(Alan Rickman)和麦当娜(Madonna)做过青春焕肤。到达马丁在第五大道的顶层公寓工作室时,我因为其充满女性气质的装潢而吃了一惊,里面全是淡紫色和白色,薄纱窗 在微风袭来时应该会摇曳生姿。再养一只波索犬(Borzoi)也不会显得突兀。我得知自己被安排在黛安・冯・芙丝汀宝(Diane von Furstenberg)和一位刚跑过马拉松的商人之间。

  'About 20% of my clientele is male,' Ms. Martyn, a hypnotically placid Brit, told me once she had me on her table. As she applied potions with darting little swipes, tightened my jawline with a tool that emits electricity, and exposed me to red light that she said once healed astronaut wounds, she mentioned a male 60-something lawyer who visits her every week. She started cooing excitedly as my face responded--brilliantly, it seemed--to the electricity: 'Oh, it's looking very good.'

  马丁是一个异常平和的英国人。我一躺上化妆台就听她告诉我说:“约有20%的客户是男性。” 她迅速地给我擦上药水,用释放电流的一个工具紧实我的下巴轮廓,然后让我照射她声称曾经用于修复宇航员伤口的红光。她提到一位60多岁、每周都来的男律师。随着我的脸对电流有了反应――看上去很亮泽――她开始兴奋地嚷道:“噢,看起来非常棒。”

  Back at the office, I stared at my face in the bathroom mirror, searching for evidence that it was more chiseled. One cheekbone looked pointier, but I couldn't be sure.


  Confession: In the end, I abandoned all the products in my regime, except for the Italian shampoo, the 'pelli sensibili' shave foam and a truly addictive cleanser from Tracie Martyn that I added post-facial. Turns out that I'm just not vain enough to fuss with wands in the pursuit of advanced male beauty. I still moisturize occasionally--if only to ward off ridicule.


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