




2024-10-14 10:57:13来源:网络 柯林斯词典

  2024年10月12日雅思考试已经结束, 那这次考试阅读都考了哪些内容呢?本文为大家整理了2024年10月12日雅思考试题阅读回忆及答案,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。


  一、 考试概述:



  Passage One:

  n 文章题材:说明文(医疗健康)

  n 文章题目:锻炼对大脑的好处

  n 文章难度:★★★

  n 题型及数量:判断+填空+单选

  n 题目及答案:

  The Mind-Body Connection: How Exercise Boosts Mental Well-being

  A. In recent years, the link between physical exercise and mental health has become increasingly clear. While the benefits of regular physical activity on our bodies have long been recognized, research now shows that exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving our mental well-being. This connection, often referred to as the “mind-body connection,” has far-reaching implications for how we approach both physical and mental health.

  B. One of the primary ways exercise affects mental health is through its impact on brain chemistry. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, often called “feel-good” chemicals, which can elevate mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Additionally, exercise increases the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, which are closely linked to mood regulation. This biochemical boost can lead to immediate improvements in mood and, over time, can help alleviate symptoms of various mental health disorders.

  C. Beyond its chemical effects, exercise provides a natural outlet for stress relief. In our fast-paced, high-pressure world, many people struggle with chronic stress, which can have severe negative impacts on mental health. Regular physical activity offers a healthy way to release tension and pent-up energy. Whether it’s a vigorous workout or a gentle yoga session, exercise can help clear the mind and provide a sense of calm and relaxation. This stress-reducing effect is particularly beneficial for those dealing with anxiety disorders or high-stress lifestyles.

  D. Exercise also plays a significant role in improving self-esteem and body image. As individuals engage in regular physical activity and see improvements in their physical capabilities and appearance, they often experience a boost in self-confidence. This enhanced self-image can have profound effects on overall mental well-being, helping to combat negative thought patterns and improve social interactions. For many, the sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching fitness goals can be a powerful antidote to feelings of helplessness or low self-worth.

  E. Another crucial aspect of the exercise-mental health connection is the social benefit of physical activity. Many forms of exercise, from team sports to group fitness classes, provide opportunities for social interaction and community building. These social connections can be particularly valuable for individuals struggling with depression or social anxiety, offering a supportive environment and a sense of belonging. Even solitary forms of exercise, when done in public spaces like parks or gyms, can provide a sense of connection to a broader community of active individuals.

  F. The cognitive benefits of exercise should not be overlooked. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve memory, increase focus, and enhance overall cognitive function. These benefits are particularly pronounced in older adults, where exercise has been linked to a reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia. For younger individuals, the cognitive boost from exercise can translate to improved academic or work performance, further contributing to overall well-being and life satisfaction.

  G. It’s important to note that the mental health benefits of exercise are not limited to intense workouts or long gym sessions. Even moderate amounts of physical activity, such as a daily 30-minute walk, can have significant positive effects on mental well-being. The key is consistency and finding activities that are enjoyable and sustainable in the long term. This approach ensures that the mental health benefits of exercise can be maintained over time, becoming an integral part of a holistic approach to health and wellness.

  H. As our understanding of the mind-body connection grows, it’s becoming increasingly clear that physical and mental health are deeply intertwined. Regular exercise is not just a tool for physical fitness but a powerful means of supporting and enhancing mental well-being. By incorporating regular physical activity into our lives, we can tap into this natural, accessible method of improving both our physical and mental health, leading to a more balanced, fulfilling life.

  Questions 1-5

  Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage? Write

  TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

  FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

  NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  1. Exercise only affects physical health and has no impact on mental well-being.

  2. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which can improve mood.

  3. Chronic stress can have negative effects on mental health.

  4. Exercise is only beneficial for mental health if done intensively for long periods.

  5. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

  Questions 6-10

  Complete the sentences below.

  Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

  6. Exercise increases the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and ___, which are linked to mood regulation.

  7. Regular physical activity offers a healthy way to release ___ and pent-up energy.

  8. Improvements in physical capabilities and appearance often lead to a boost in ___.

  9. Many forms of exercise provide opportunities for ___ and community building.

  10. The cognitive benefits of exercise include improved memory, increased focus, and enhanced ___ function.

  Questions 11-14

  Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.

  11. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of exercise for mental health?

  A. Stress relief

  B. Improved self-esteem

  C. Better sleep patterns

  D. Enhanced cognitive function

  12. The passage suggests that the social benefits of exercise are particularly valuable for:

  A. Professional athletes

  B. Individuals with depression or social anxiety

  C. Children and teenagers

  D. Older adults only

  13. What does the passage say about the intensity of exercise needed for mental health benefits?

  A. Only intense workouts provide benefits

  B. Moderate activity like daily walks can be beneficial

  C. The longer the exercise session, the better the results

  D. High-intensity interval training is essential

  14. The main idea of the final paragraph is that:

  A. Physical health is more important than mental health

  B. Mental and physical health are separate concerns

  C. Exercise is primarily for physical fitness

  D. Physical and mental health are deeply interconnected


  1. FALSE

  2. TRUE

  3. TRUE

  4. FALSE

  5. TRUE

  6. Norepinephrine

  7. Tension

  8. self-confidence

  9. social interaction

  10. overall cognitive

  11. C

  12. B

  13. B

  14. D

  可参考真题:剑桥9—TEST2 Passage1 Children with Auditory Problems

  Passage Two:

  n 文章题材:说明文(科技类)

  n 文章题目:自行车大批量生产

  n 文章难度:★★★

  n 题型及数量:填空+判断

  n 题目及答案:

  The History of Bicycles

  The bicycle was not invented by one individual or in one country. It took nearly 100 years and many individuals for the modern bicycle to be born. By the end of those 100 years, bicycles had revolutionized the way people travel from place to place.

  Bicycles first appeared in Scotland in the early 1800s, and were called velocipedes. These early bicycles had two wheels, but they had no pedals. The rider sat on a pillow and walked his feet along the ground to move his velocipede forward.

  Soon a French inventor added pedals to the front wheel. Instead of walking their vehicles, riders used their feet to run the pedals. However, pedaling was hard because velocipedes were very heavy. The framework was made of solid steel tubes and the wooden wheels were covered with steel. Even so, velocipedes were popular among rich young men, who raced them in Paris parks.

  Because of the velocipedes were so hard to ride, no one thought about using them for transportation. People didn’t ride velocipedes to the market or to their jobs. Instead, people thought velocipedes were just toys.

  Around 1870, American manufacturers saw that velocipedes were very popular overseas. They began building velocipedes, too, but with one difference. They made the frameworks from hollow steel tubes. This alteration made velocipedes much lighter, but riders still had to work hard to pedal just a short distance. In addition, roads were bumpy so steering was difficult. In fact, most riders preferred indoor tracks where they could rent a velocipede for a small fee and take riding lessons.

  Subsequent changes by British engineers altered the wheels to make pedaling more efficient. They saw that when a rider turned the pedals once, the front wheel turned once. If the front wheel was small, the bicycle traveled just a small distance with each turn. They reasoned that if the front wheel were larger, the bicycle would travel a greater distance. So they designed a bicycle with a giant front wheel. They made the rear wheel small. Its primary purpose was to help the rider balance. Balancing was hard because the rider had to sit high above the giant front wheel in order to reach the pedals.

  This meant he was in danger of falling off the bicycle and injuring himself if he lost his balance. Despite this inherent danger, “high wheelers” became very popular in England.

  American manufacturers once again tried to design a better bicycle. Their goal was to make a safer bicycle. They substituted a small wheel for the giant front wheel and put the driving mechanism in a r larger rear to wheel. It would be impossible for a rider to pedal the rear wheel, so engineers designed a system of foot levers. By pressing first the right one and then the left, the rider moved a long metal bar up and down. This bar turned the rear axle1. This axle turned the rear wheel and the bicycle minimized the dangers inherent in bicycle riding, more and more people began using bicycles in their daily activities.

  The British altered the design one last time. They made the two wheels equal in size and created a mechanism that uses a chain to turn the rear wheel. With this final change, the modern bicycle was born.

  Subsequent improvements, such as brakes, rubber tires, and lights were added to make bicycles more comfortable to ride. By 1900, bicycle riding had become very popular with men and women of all ages. Bicycles revolutionized the way people worldwide ride bicycles for transportation, enjoyment, sport, and exercise.

  'axle the center bar of a wheel

  Questions 1-6

  Complete the sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

  In the invention of the bicycle took part not only one individual or the country, but the world in general during the 1 __________ years. This invention was firstly found in Scotland in the first decades of 1800, and was known as velocipedes. They were not resembled to today’s bicycles and had two wheels, but they had no 2 __________. The rider sat on a pillow and walked his feet along the ground in order to move his velocipede forward. Soon, a French inventor added pedals to the front wheel. However, because of their difficulty in riding, nobody used them in a daily life, and they were accepted as 3 __________. Around 1870, manufacturers in America found that this invention is popular 4 __________, but within the difference: frameworks were made from 5 __________, what makes them much lighter. Soon, the British inventors found the method which can make pedaling more efficient- to turn pedals one by one. They designed a bicycle with a giant front wheel. However, as the rider had to sit high above the giant front wheel it was too difficult to keep the balance. The safer bicycle was invented by Americans. They designed the rear 6 __________, which minimized the danger of falling and injuring. At last, the British changed the design one last time and added two wheels equal in size and the mechanism that induce a chain to turn the rear wheel. By this there was invented the example of the modern bicycle.

  Questions 7-10

  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Write

  TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

  FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

  NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  7 The bicycle was invited by Americans only

  8 It was too hard to lead the velocipedes due to their heaviness

  9 The alteration of velocipedes made the life of people much more easy

  10 The changes by British inventors altered the wheels to make pedaling more efficient

  Questions 11-13

  Complete the sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

  11 The British inventors concluded that if the front wheel were large in __________, the bicycle would travel comparatively long distance.

  12 American engineers designed a system of __________ which was driven by pressing first the right and then the left pedals.

  13 The last, but not least alteration in creating of the modern bicycle was a making the two wheels equal in size and using the __________ to spin the rear wheel.


  1. hundred

  2. pedals

  3. toys

  4. overseas

  5. hollow steel tubes

  6. axle

  7. FALSE

  8. TRUE


  10. TRUE

  11. size

  12. foot, levers

  13. chain


  可参考真题:剑桥19—TEST1 Passage1 How tennis rackets have changed

  n Passage Three:

  n 文章题材:议论文(人类学历史学)

  n 文章题目:人类学

  n 文章难度:★★★★

  n 题型及数量:待补充

  n 题目及答案:待补充

  可参考真题:剑桥7—TEST3 Passage2 Population Movements and Genetics






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